POCONO TWP., Pa. – A fatal crash that closed part of Interstate 80 in Monroe County was caused by a wrong-way driver, officials said. Police said the crash happened around 6 a.m.Tuesday on I-80 East a…
Donations can also be sent to “Chrissi’s Journey,” c/o Susquehanna Bank, P.O. Box 130, Conyngham, PA 18219. Just Us will be playing … in discussing the steps project and the ductless heat pump syste…
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WALKER TWP., Pa. – Authorities are investigating a fire that destroyed part of a landmark turkey farm. A plume of smoke could be seen for miles as numerous fire companies mobilized a tanker task force …
Ductless Mini Split Ac Units Warnertown Pa Contents Butter filling and mini split Choices air conditioning electric and ingersoll Air conditioning 12000 btu mount check out The recently completed joint venture between Mitsubishi Electric and Ingersoll Rand, the parent company of Trane, gives tozour’s clients expanded options for ductless and variable refrigerant flow (VR… Ductless Mini Split Heater Mount Pocono Pa
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Post time is 1 p.m. Waples drove Park Avenue Joe in the 1989 Hambletonian dead heat race-off with Probe and driver Bill Fahy. He’s also won nearly 7,000 races, including two Little Brown Jugs (Ralph H…
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You’ll not only save money and hassle, you’ll also get the best HVAC service for your home. HVAC installation Do your homework. Read about the different types of heating or cooling systems, such as ce…
Mary Connie Lyon Comfort, 81, died May 21, 2016 … completing the Lyon family’s participation in the slowing westward immigration of the 20th century. As a farm child in Centralia, Wash., Mary Connie …