These judgments of $5,000 or more have been filed and docketed at the Onondaga County clerk’s office … Syracuse, $51,733. U.S. Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., 600 I North Bicycle Path, Port Jefferson, by The Special Trades …
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"It didn’t have air conditioning … range without central air. Certainly this depends on the price range, but if people are moving to your house from a newer apartment complex, it’s likely they will already have had air. Replacing a …
The house has central air-conditioning and gas-fueled, forced-air heat … lake with many fish. “The fish are so large in there the kids can just pull them out with …
Occupational licenses issued recently by county and municipal governments in Central Florida; data collected by Market Force Corp. of Newtown Square, Pa. Equisential Inc … 32703. Simmons Heating & Air Conditioning LLC, hvac, 3145 …
There will be an increased risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke for those who partake in vigorous physical activity. Be sure to take breaks from the heat, preferably in air conditioning … spend time at the lake or hang around …