Abraham’s father, Magid, grew up on a small farm in Southern Lebanon before going off to school … The place was full of dirty laundry; cereal boxes were flung everywhere. There was no air conditioning. there were shootings in the …
One of the biggest known corporate breaches in U.S. history has been traced to the air-conditioning repairman … took the login information from Fazio Mechanical Services, a Pennsylvania firm. Fazio didn’t immediately return a request for …
(Cornell Tech … cheap, heat-trapping, and thoughtlessly “modern.” But every material has its expressive virtues, and Weiss/Manfredi treats glass with virtuosic finesse. At the Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology at the University …
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The Simple Living Institute’s Econ Farm is a five-acre parcel in the central Florida woods … found on Craigslist or at the local "freecycle" site. They don’t use air-conditioning, yet the space remains cool and breezy. "Our next-door neighbor …
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“There’s a mushroom cloud that hangs in the way Tomorrow looks black so we live for today.” Political songster Tom Lehrer’s “We’ll All Go Together When We Go”(1959) was more cynical: “When the air becomes uranious We will all go …
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There are just a few other hands-on mushroom growers at farmers markets, and to get a sense of why they are so rare, last Monday I visited Ellrott at his farm in Moorpark … into heating and air-conditioning contracting. They bought a 40 …